How Laminated Mats Make Your Job Easier At a Construction Site

On construction sites all over the United States, laminated mats are creating cost-effective and stable working surfaces.

These construction mats improve safety and productivity on job sites. And they are the perfect choice for sites that use rubber-tire machines over muddy earth, permafrost, or sand.

You will thank yourself for using these road mats when you are spending more time getting the job done and less time struggling against the elements.

What Are Laminated Mats?

Laminated mats are three layers of three-ply wood that are nailed or bolted together. They are a type of road mat, and specifically a type of wood mat. As a road mat, they’re also sometimes called swamp mats or truck mats. Because of a lack of standardization in this industry, laminated matting can vary in design depending on who you get them from, so be sure to do your research.

Our laminated wood mats come in two sizes.

  • 8′ x 14 
  • 8′ x 16′

They are available to rent or buy, and they’re shipped to most locations in the Continental United States. 

How Laminate Mats Are Used

Construction sites use laminated matting on projects where heavy equipment will get stuck in the earth if it is moving through it freely. They create a safer and more productive site by providing a smooth path for equipment to drive on.

These mats are helpful because they let work continue through bad weather. When it rains, or when the ground is wet for some other reason, they allow for stable pathways through a construction site.

Protecting the Environment

Laminated mats shield the environment from damage. If you are working in a delicate area it is important to try to disturb it as little as possible. This is especially true if you are working in an environmentally-sensitive area.

Many construction vehicles are heavy enough to create deep tracks in the ground that can make insecure earth sink. These tracks also slow down construction because workers have to secure the ground again before continuing to work. Laminated mats solve this problem because they are sturdy enough to support the heavy equipment and reduce tracks.

Laminated matting serves as a barrier between your trucks and the earth beneath them. You can leave the construction site knowing that you are doing minimal damage to the property around it.

Protecting Your Equipment

Laminated mats provide a safe surface for heavy equipment, so you do not have to worry about your equipment getting stuck or damaged.

These mats are a great way to ensure you have a strong, temporary foundation for your trucks to drive on or cranes to sit secured on. Protecting your equipment is necessary to run a smooth and efficient construction site.

How Laminated Mats Compare to CLT Mats

Cross-laminated timber mats or CLT mats are lightweight wood mats made of three layers of pine without any gaps in between them. The main advantage of CLT mats is that they are much lighter than laminated wood mats, so shipping is less costly. 

Both of these mats come in the sizes of 8′ x 14′ and 8′ x 16′. They tend to work well for vehicles with rubber tires. However, they aren’t the ideal for tracked equipment, air bridges, or work with cranes.

How Laminated Mats Compare to Composite Mats

Composite mats are a rather flexible road mat. High-density polyethylene makes up our non-absorbent, composite mats. This makes them durable and more lightweight than laminated mats. It also gives them a high reusability ratio compared to other road mats.

They can also withstand all kinds of weather, and all kinds of vehicles, including tracked equipment. This can provide some peace or mind about reducing the number of broken mats after your project. Composite mats pin together so they have no gaps which help protect the ground beneath them.

Both of these mats allow for a firm and resistant base under your heavy equipment. They can withstand a lot of weight without breaking or warping. The mats are also good for protecting the ground underneath them while keeping your project moving steadily ahead. 

How Laminated Mats Compare to Timber Mats

Timber mats are one of the toughest mats on the market right now. They come in two sizes 4′ x 16′ x 8′ and 4′ x 18′ x 8′ . Timber matting is normally used on sites that require mats that can withstand tracked vehicles. They are also used on sites that need extra-strong mats. The thickness of Timber mats makes them perfect for supporting heavy-duty machines.

Both of these mats are great for creating flat areas that heavy equipment can drive on. And they can both withstand heavy rubber-tire vehicles. Choosing either of these will protect your heavy equipment and the site you are working on.

Laminated matting can cover more ground than timber mats for your dollar. Therefore going with laminated mats can reduce your costs. Make sure you know how strong your mats need to be before deciding between these two types of road mats.

Ready to Give Laminated Wood Mats a Try?

Without these mats, your site may be hard to navigate. You might also be damaging your equipment and the earth under you. Laminated mats are a great option for many construction job sites, especially ones needing more support under their heavy equipment.

Get a quote from us today on laminated mats if you think they can benefit you.

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