Laminated Mats

Mud Mats for Sale Near You

Mud Mats for Sale – Laminated Wood Mats for Safe Access

laminated mats, mud mats for sale

Select Mat offers a full selection of mud mats for sale to any location in the Continental USA. Our products include crane mats, composite mats, and laminated mats.

Laminated mats are the classic wood mat. When many people think of construction mats, this is the mat they have in mind. Laminated wood mats are great general-use mats that can provide safe access throughout your job site for your rubber-tired vehicles.

What are Laminated Mats?

Laminated mats are a type of wood mat. They are built from 3 pieces of plywood that are nailed or bolted together. Please note that laminated matting can vary in its engineering based on where you buy it from. Like all other construction mats, laminated mats can create access for vehicles on job sites.

Many pipeline and T&D projects take place in rough, uneven terrain. Construction mats help machines and heavy vehicles travel through construction zones without getting stuck.

Laminated Mat Specs

Laminated wood mats are available in two sizes:

  • 8’x14′
  • 8’x16′

Approximately 15-20 laminated mats will fit per truck (15-17 for the 8’x16′, 18-20 for the 8’x14′).

Vehicle Protection

We offer laminated matting as one of our construction mat options because it’s a standard industry wood mat, and therefore a reliable option. Laminated mats can provide even, stable ground for your rubber-tired machines. Please keep in mind that laminated mats are not suitable for supporting tracked equipment such as cranes or bulldozers. For mud mats for sale that meet these needs, see crane mats and timber mats.

Environmental Protection

Laminated mats are useful for protecting the environment around your construction project. This is important from an ethical perspective, as well as governmental compliance. Be sure to regularly wash your wood mats so that they don’t absorb contaminates from your machines or the ground.

Rent Laminated Mats

If you are looking to lower your immediate costs for construction mats, Select Mat offers laminated mats for rent. Mats are available at day rates. For additional savings, you can lease wood mats for a set leasing term. Make sure to ask our team for more details about mat renting and leasing terms.

Available Anywhere in the Continental USA

Select Mat provides mud mats for construction, pipeline skids, pipe cones, and utility poles across the Continental United States. We are based in Magnolia, TX near Houston. We have served projects in 17 states, including LA, PA, NC, SC, OH, OK, AL, KS, and MO.

Other Types of Mud Mats for Sale

Select Mat carries every type of construction mat for pipeline projects, T&D, and construction. While laminated mats are a well-known product, we always encourage our customers to learn about the other types of mud mats for sale so that they can make informed purchasing decisions. All construction mats have their own unique advantages that could provide helpful forms of access on your job site.

CLT Mats

CLT is similar in function and use to laminated mats. Both are great wood mats for supporting rubber-tired vehicles and covering lots of ground. The primary difference between laminated and CLT mats is their engineering. Laminated mats are made from pieces of wood that are bolted or nailed together, but CLT mats are held together with industrial-grade adhesive.

This creates two practical differences. First, there are no gaps in CLT matting like there are in laminated matting. Second, CLTs are a bit stiffer and less flexible. These features can be advantageous depending on the intended use of the construction mats. Be sure to ask our mat experts about these mud mats for sale to get some help comparing them to laminated mats.

Composite Mats

Composite mats are made of high-density polyethylene, aka HDPE, which is a type of high-density plastic. In other words, HDPE mats are not wood mats. They are made of composite plastic, hence the name composite mats or poly mats.

Composite matting has several highly unique advantages among mud mats for sale. For one thing, they do not rot, warp, or crack due to their composition. Composite mats are highly resilient to weather and moisture. Not only that, but they are non-absorbent, meaning they don’t absorb or transmit toxins to or from the environment. They are easy to power wash and dry, and they have a high reusability ratio compared to other mats. Their flexible composition makes them relatively easy to install, since they conform to the terrain more than wood.

Perhaps best of all, composite mats link together like overlapping links in a chain. This means that there are no gaps between the construction mats when they are installed as an access road. This is a terrific advantage. Not only that, but composite mats can support tracked machinery as well as rubber tired vehicles, making them highly versatile.

Crane Mats

Out of all mud mats for sale, crane mats are the thickest. Therefore, they are the most reliable construction mat for supporting cranes, bulldozers, and other types of tracked machines. Crane matting is also the only type of mat we at Select Mat recommend for building airbridges for pipeline projects. Their thickness means that they can best support vehicles traveling over a pipeline gap. This is the heaviest duty wood mat you can get, and a must-consider for any job site that will have tracked machinery.

Timber Mats

Timber mats are the next-thickest mud mat next to crane mats. As such, they are also very useful for supporting tracked machines like bulldozers. There are also certain sizes of timber mats that can cover more ground than some crane mats, so they could potentially provide more access per square foot if you don’t need something quite as heavy-duty as crane matting for your project.

Want More Information on Mud Mats for Sale?

Contact Select Mat today for more information on construction mats. Our matting experts can help you determine the products you need to create safe, reliable access on your job site. We can also give you a quick quote to determine your costs. What’s more, we offer installation and removal services so that you can get your job started as quickly as possible and avoid delay costs.

Call us today at 833-203-1515 or click the button below to submit an information request.

  1. mud mat sizes
    8′ x 14′
    8′ x 16′
  2. mud mats for sale
    PurchasE Options
    Buy, Lease, or Rent
  3. rent mud mats
    Laminated Mats per Truck
    18-20 for 8’x14′
    15-17 for 8’x16′

Common Names: Laminated Mats, Mud Mats, Access Mats, Swamp Mats, Truck Mats