The Rental Advantage of Construction Matting for Pipeline Projects

For construction contractors, project managers, and site supervisors, one of the key challenges is navigating and working on difficult terrains while ensuring safety and minimizing environmental impact. An effective solution to this challenge lies in the use of construction mats. Construction matting are portable platforms typically made from hardwood timber, composite materials, or steel. They […]
Eco-Friendly Choices: Sustainable Matting for Pipelines Projects

Pipelines are lifelines for energy distribution, but their construction and maintenance can have significant environmental implications if not managed responsibly. Traditional construction practices often involve the use of timber mats and/or laminated/CLT mats for temporary access roads. The use of these mats lead to deforestation, soil erosion, and habitat disruption. In addition, when moving from […]
How Construction Mats Enhance Worker Confidence on Project Sites

For those involved in pipeline and transmission & distribution (T&D) projects, where rugged terrains and unpredictable conditions are the norm, maintaining worker confidence is crucial to success. Confidence in equipment, confidence in processes, and most importantly, confidence in safety. A safe work environment isn’t just about minimizing accidents; it’s also about nurturing employee morale and […]
Improving Incident Prevention and Response with Construction Mats

Construction sites are inherently fraught with various safety risks that necessitate prompt incident response. Common hazards include slips, trips, and falls, equipment malfunctions, structural collapses, hazardous material spills, and natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. In such incidents, swift and effective response is essential to prevent injuries, mitigate damage, and ensure personnel safety. Construction […]
Optimized T&D Site Accessibility and Safety with Composite Mats

The construction industry has always been the backbone of infrastructure development, and within this vast field, pipeline and Transmission & Distribution (T&D) projects are integral to the efficient functioning of modern societies. For construction contractors, site managers, environmental and safety officers, the challenge is to ensure that these massive projects are completed safely, on time, […]
Composite vs. Timber Mats: Making the Right Pipeline Choice

Construction mats are integral to maintaining a stable platform for heavy machinery, minimizing ecological disruption, and ensuring safe passage across challenging terrains. You’ll find that both composite and timber mats can fulfill these needs but vary in terms of composition, longevity, robustness, and environmental implications. For those gearing up for a pipeline, or transmission and […]
Efficiency Boost with Construction Mats in Pipeline Projects

Rental construction mats, crafted from durable timber, composite materials, or heavy-duty plastics, play a vital role in establishing temporary access roads, stable work platforms, and securing heavy machinery. If you’re in the pipeline business and seeking to enhance your onsite operations, these mats are a game-changer, facilitating smooth machinery and material transportation. Let’s explore how […]
2021 Road Matting Guide

Select Mat is a one-stop shop for road matting solutions that allow you to move your crews and equipment on safe and stable ground. We not only offer road mats for lease, rent, or purchase, but we also provide swift installation and removal. This post is a detailed overview of each of the products we […]
7 Advantages of Composite Mats

Select Mat provides every type of construction mat for your job site, including timber mats, crane mats, and CLT. However, our most popular product is composite mats. Composites entered the construction industry around 20 years ago, and they’ve been growing in notoriety ever since. This is due to their many advantages over wood, including flexibility, […]